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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is one of the most important things in the life of a Christian, because if we are not growing then we are dying. Spiritual growth covers a wide variety of issues and below are many articles on various aspects of spiritual growth. If you do not find the particular subject that you are looking for, please e-mail us and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Have a blessed day as you continue growing in Christ.

Spiritual Growth
Getting Over Insecurity
How to be who God wants you to be by getting over your insecurity.
A Reason to Persevere in Times of Hurt
We can get through the pain in our lives and the brick walls that we come to. We can get through the trials we face through with one who knows and sees our hurts…GOD.
Are You Deceiving Yourself?
Biblical truth regarding fellowshipping with the ungodly, aligning yourself with those who are unsaved, and uniting yourself to those who are unbelievers.
Money vs. True Riches in Christ
True riches in Christ has nothing to do with the love of money.
Fighting the Good Fight
(Excerpts from an upcoming book:) Of late I have pondered much the complexities of God and have often wondered how capable we are as humans to obey the Divine Will…
Hey You! - Spread the Word
All who are saved are called to reconcile the world unto God, and we do this by testifying, by talking, by telling people. Everywhere you go you will see someone in need of the 'good news' about Jesus.
Self Pity
Your attitude of heart chooses your actions. Your attitude of heart forces you to make a choice and to take an action. You can choose to believe God's Word what He has said to you or you can choose the attitude of sin: your old way of taking action.
In All Things Give Thanks
A study on the meaning of thanksgiving, and how it applies to your life and walk with God.
Forgiveness After Backsliding and Returning to the Lord
No matter how far you have fallen or what you have done - you can never count out the mercy of the Lord. If you truly want to recommit your life to the Lord 100%, there are no holds barring you from it.
No Grey Area in Christ
God said "You will die" the devil said "you will not". There is no grey area.
Obedience to God
Obedience to God is the only path to blessings, but as with all of God's promises there is a prerequisite.
Prayer - God's Way
A study on God's requirements for prayer, why your prayers may not be getting answered, and what to do about it.
The Armor of God
God gave us His armor to use, not to put away in the closet but too many people do not even know what it really is, let alone how to use it.
The American culture has totally forgotten about our values and beliefs. Here is the gist of it:
It leaves one feeling insecure and worthless. It leaves a scar so deep that no woman, man or child could mend. But God can!
Choosing Rather to Suffer or listen with Windows MediaspeakerChoosing Rather to Suffer
Hear one of the last messages of Brother Ravenhill that should touch, stir, and wake you up not only to the sad condition of the church but of your own condition before the Lord as well.
The Great Falling Away
The great falling away has already come, and most people are unaware, blinded to all that has happened over the past 20 years and is still happening. They have been desensitized so they can no longer discern right from wrong, the holy from the unholy, the pure from the profane.
Peace That Surpasses All Understanding
How to enter into the peace that comes from entering God's presence and the answers He gives.
Off With The Old, On With The New
It takes time to grow in your walk with the Lord, to put off the old man (carnal nature) and put on the new man (knowledge) so we can become all that God has called us to be in every area.
Me and the Demons Know Jesus Is Lord!
The fact is that conversion is not regeneration. Conversion is not salvation. Conversion is an opening of the eyes from darkness to light in order that one can be saved and sanctified. By itself, it is but a turning, not a change of position.
The Hitchhiker
This message will point out the path to genuine love, peace, joy and most importantly, the way to salvation, through which all these things may be found.
The Reality and Eternity of Hell
Is Hell a real place or only a myth? Whether or not a person chooses to believe in Hell does not nullify it's existence.
Who would Jesus vote for?
One man's opinion.
Open Letters - A Response To Victims Of Abuse
Letters responding to emails and letters we have received from women who have been abused and are looking for the Lord's healing.

Everyone must die sometime.
" is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..." Hebrews 9:27

What will happen to you?
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