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Women's Bible Studies and Articles

Here you will find women's articles and Bible studies for women; questions we have always asked ourselves and never been able to understand. Please do not just read over these Bible studies and leave it at that. There is much to understand and it comes with patience and openness to the Spirit. You must also look at everything with an open mind. Pray before you read each Bible study, that the Lord will give you a strong understanding, that what He shares with you will stay and you will not falter in doubt. Do not be deceived, the devil will sit at your shoulder and whisper lies in your ears, telling you that you don't need to read this, that you already know all about these things. If you believe the devil you will be robbed of everything the Lord has for you. Remember always that it is not the writing of the person you are reading, but it is what the Lord is showing you, so you may grow in your relationship with Him.

Contentious Women
A Bible study on contentious women, what it means, who they are, what happens as a result, and what God requires of women.

The Fallen Housewife - Redeemed!
A Bible study on Proverbs 31 and what life is like when you have completely surrendered your life to God and submitted to your husband.

Bible Study Tools, Help & Search the Bible
Suggestions for studying the Bible and a search tool for looking up specific topics and words.

The Husband Who Does Not Follow God & How To Win Him Over! 
Bible study on how to win your unsaved husband to Christ through submission, diligence, faithfulness, patience, and every word that comes from the mouth of God.

What Is a Help Meet?
Bible study to teach you to be a help meet - to live love. Love is the key to everything we do and Jesus is the source of it all. Love is an act of the will - choosing to put others before ourselves. It is a great way to put yourself in the path to a life of joy through service.

What Is The Main Cause of Sin In Women?
This Bible study will show you its origin and where it is leading: pride, sex, lust & perversion. What you must do to become aware of it, be free of it and how to be watchful of yourself, your actions and thoughts.

Why Did God Create Woman?
The purpose of this Bible study for you to grow in the knowledge and fullness of why it is that God has placed you here on earth, to learn of His destiny for you as an individual and the purpose of all women world wide.

Please, if you have any questions about a certain part of a Bible study or an article, write us and we will do our best to answer your question. We are always happy to hear what the Lord is doing in your lives. Also, if there is a subject you would like more information on, please write us and let us know.

Everyone must die sometime.
" is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..." Hebrews 9:27

What will happen to you?
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