Current Articles and Recent Additions
Welcome to our current articles. We hope you are blessed by everything you find here. To make sure everyone has an opportunity to see the most recent additions to the site, we
will be posting them here for a short time. Please check back often to see what the Lord has been sharing with us.
Hope: The Anchor of Our Soul
Jesus gives us hope during the difficult times of our lives.
God Called You!
If you have yet to give your Life to Jesus...
The Covenant of Salvation
To be assured of our salvation we must uphold our side of the salvation contract between ourselves and God.
Just Another Day
You don't wake up knowing that today would be the day you die but with each of us that day of death must come. Today might not be just
another day.
Love - Living for Others
Love is laying down your life for others with joy and serving one another as Christ commanded.
Forgiveness After Backsliding
There is forgiveness and a way to return to the Lord after backsliding.
Self Pity
Is self pity robbing you of your joy and turning you against God?
What Is a Help Meet?
To be a help meet is to live love.
Why Did God Create Woman?
To show His love for us through us!
Too Many Judges and Not Enough Servants
Serve and be a servant to one another in love and in Christ!
Getting Over Insecurity
How to be who God wants you to be by getting over your insecurity.
You don't have to live in fear and hurt.
Salvation: the free gift of God by grace through faith. What it is and how to obtain it.