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Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence
Testimonies and Articles of Help for Abuse Victims and Parents of Abused Children
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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is amazing how terrible this world has become. Where instead of being guardians and protecting their children, the parents themselves have started to abuse their children and become either the predator or the person protecting the predator. This page is here for abuse victims, parents of abuse victims, spouses of abusers, and victims of domestic violence. The articles are all written by people in this ministry who have been victims in some way. The only difference is that the Lord has rescued them from their despair and brought them through the pain so that now they are able to turn their horrific experiences around and use them for good. PRAISE GOD for His mercy!!!!

We are aware that everyone goes through different experiences and that we cannot feel the same emotional trauma and stress that you are going through. But it is our hope that you find some comfort when you come to this page. More importantly, that you leave being encouraged and full of the strength of the Holy Spirit to go forth and face the problem you have and deal with it God's way so that you can be set free from the terrible pain that you are in.

Open Letters - A Response to Victims of Abuse
A Response to "Married To A Pedophile
Molech - What Have You Done?
Why Can't I Get It Right?

A Message to Parents
We urge you to watch your children to keep them from being tricked by a predator on chat lines etc. Our best advice for that would be to not let your children on a chat line! After all, they have friends already and there are plenty of places YOU can take them to meet new people!

Predators are cunning, and they know how to act around parents. They know how to please you to get access to your children. Be very careful who you leave your children alone with. Don't be stupid and think it won't ever happen to you either. Watch and listen to your children and learn what to look for. After all, if the Lord gave them to you, it's your responsibility to KNOW what is happening in their lives.

Adults tend to forget that their children are more important than the bills and the money they have to make. Sometimes providing for your children becomes such a burden that we forget our first responsibility... to see that they have enough love and care. Money is not what will matter to them... but the time you spend with them will be remembered for the rest of their lives. Don't let yourself be the parent who didn't care.

USA Helplines for: Child Abuse, Abuse Victims, Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

National Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-252-2873, 1-800-25ABUSE

Friends of Battered Women and Their Children

Click Here for the International Center for missing and exploited children.

Childhelp USA®

Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Elder Abuse Hotline
State and local Hotlines

Homelessness 24-hour Hotline

State and Local Help/Hotlines
National Runaway Switchboard


International Help Link For Abuse Victims
Child Helpline International (CHI) is a global network of telephone help lines and outreach services for children and young people. Just click on the Helplines link at the top of their page and you will find phone numbers, addresses and contact information for over 150 countries.

Missing Kids

Everyone must die sometime.
" is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..." Hebrews 9:27

What will happen to you?
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