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Welcome, Brothers and Sisters
to Into the Light Ministries

It is our goal that no one will leave here empty handed, but rather refreshed and satisfied with the scriptural truths they came in search of. Still, there are so many of you searching for answers. Many emails come in from all over the world from people in need of encouragement and guidance on how to grow in Christ and how to develop a deeper walk with Him. Daily, people need prayer for loneliness and depression. Many of these people are victims of sexual abuse, rape, molestation and the list goes on. We have all gone through times of hurt, pain and anguish. It is our heart's cry to lead the lonely, abandoned and injured to Christ who accepted and loved us even with all our flaws and sin. Many of the couples we counsel are going through divorce or are in adultery committed by themselves or their spouse. This ministry is working daily on getting more information, Bible studies, and audio and video sermons up for you. However, if you cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to e-mail us and we will make every effort to help you.

On our Missionary's page you can read about the invitations we receive from different countries, to go and preach the Gospel. In many of these countries it is against the law to preach Christ and Him crucified. At the very least, you could receive a fine and be deported. At worst, you may be put to death after much torture if you do not recant your belief in Jesus. All of the countries we have been invited to have serious problems with poverty, class distinctions, religious prejudice and persecution. Many of the pastors and brethren who write to us have no complete Bible of their own, so they pass around whatever portions of Scripture they have. Many, many of these people cannot even put food on the table for their families. Yet they will spend all they have in order to obey the command of the Lord to "go into all the world and preach the gospel." This is their sole purpose and the desire of their hearts, and they trust that God will take care of the other needs they and their families have. There is so much more to say about these things and we encourage you to go to the Missionary's page and read it all.

We will let you know which countries our missionaries are in, which ones they will be going to and what items we need to send with them. The most important items are Bibles, of course. But we also need Bibles in different languages. Many people need Bibles in large print. Other necessities we bring with us are: clothing, blankets, dry food goods, household items and personal hygiene products. We have found it to be true that when people are out of food, they are out of everything else also.

On the Missionary's page you will also find excerpts from some of the letters we have received from different pastors and people in these countries and we will explain to you the different ways you can be a help and blessing should the Lord so lead you. We realize that not everyone is called to go to these places. It involves a great deal of both physical and spiritual hardship, but we are willing and eager to go into the Mission field.

Weekly Encouragements includes scriptures and articles with words of edification and strengthening. Please note, these are NOT pages of prophecy or personal words of knowledge. This section has been added in an effort to bring forth the Word of God in a short, concise manner for people who are looking for something uplifting or comforting, or those who just need a touch from the Lord. It is our prayer that everyone who comes to this section will be blessed by it.

For those of you who want to give your heart to the Lord but don't have anyone to help you we have a Sinner's Prayer. Please realize that you do NOT have to say this prayer word for word. It is only a guide. The best way to give your heart to Christ is by opening your heart to Him and sharing it in your own words. Included on this page is Wisdom from the Word of God for those who need scriptural answers to basic questions. All of the answers you will find here are straight from the Word of God without personal input. It is also a great place to learn the basics of having an intimate walk with the Lord. We pray that you will learn and grow as you study these things.

As we mentioned earlier, we do not want anyone to leave this website with questions still left unanswered. Through our Site Index we have endeavored to list certain topics and questions that have been brought to our attention and are answered with Scripture rather than man's opinion. Remember, it is not important what you or I say or think, or what someone else says or thinks. IT MATTERS ONLY WHAT THE LORD HAS TO SAY.

If you are still searching for more answers and you just can't find it here, please use our Bible search tool. This will help you to find answers with many different Bible versions to choose from for referencing.

We ask you, please, keep us in prayer so that everything we do is done in the wisdom and guidance of the Lord, for the Glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom.

Everyone must die sometime.
" is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..." Hebrews 9:27

What will happen to you?
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