Tithing For New Testament Christians
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Out of the thousands upon thousands of emails we have received over the years, we have felt led of God to only post a
few. The following is a message, sent to us by a brother in Christ, that we have been trying to get across for years: the erroneous
practice of ten percent tithing for New Testament Christians. We pray you will read it, study it and realize that
this is the absolute, true Word of God - not a request, but a command. It is so important that your very salvation
hangs in the balance. Do not be enslaved by man since Jesus died to set you free!
The Staff of Into the Light Ministries
New Testament Principle (Law) or Religious Bondage
Tithing is part of the Law
Scriptural basis: command in the law, Leviticus 27:30
Malachi 3:9 says, "Ye are cursed with a curse" if you don't, Galatians 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from
the curse".
Are we under the Old Testament law today?
The answer to this is both yes and no. The Old Testament law covered two aspects of the Jews life, their personal and
national relationship to God as well as their relationship as an individual to civil authority. The civil law is still
in affect today. But the law concerning our relationship to God has undergone a change (Hebrew 7:12) under the new
covenant. If one studies civil laws, we can clearly see today that our civil law's have their roots in the old covenant
The law of Christ (Galatians 6:2) has all the components of the moral law of the Old Testament but none of the
ceremonial law (Tithing, circumcision, ceremonial washing, Saturday worship, etc.). Not to say that we don't have some
ceremonial aspects (communion, water baptism) but these are not requirements to maintain a proper relationship. These
are requirements to maintain a proper perspective of what Christ has done. While in the old law circumcision or tithing
were mandatory or you were not right with God. But we can do without communion or water baptism and still maintain our
salvation. The fact that we are free from the Old Testament law is a revelation that Paul received and one he fought
hard for. This concept was very difficult for the other apostles to completely grasp at first but eventually it was a
revelation they received. Jesus talked about the law being fulfilled and thus passing away but they did not have ears to
hear that.
If we try to fulfill the law today it puts our salvation in jeopardy. Galatians 5:3-4 "we are severed from
Christ if we keep the law".
- No. 1 no one except Jesus ever did it.
- No. 2 if you break one law your guilty of them all and deserve death.
Trying to keep the law is trying to develop your own righteousness. Accepting Christ is accepting his righteousness
and realizing you can't be good enough. So God wants us to stop trying. God wants us to stop trying to obey the Old
Testament law. When we receive Christ he writes his law on our hearts. Our salvation is both immediate and progressive.
Our walk includes a progressive salvation of our soul by allowing the life in our spirit to renew our soul one step at a
time, from glory to glory. Our spirit becomes a new creation instantly; our soul is renewed day by day. God's word cuts
through the veil of division of the soul and spirit to release the life changing power of the living word within us. The
Holy Spirit will let us know when we violate the inward law. Tithing, circumcision, ceremonial washing, Saturday
worship, holy days, dietary laws, Temple worship, stoning, all are part of the Old Testament law. Do them all or NONE AT
The law was fulfilled. In fact the Bible says this law was "until John the Baptist". Jesus was "born
under the law" and so he told the Jews they should follow the law. That was only true until his death, burial and
resurrection. I'm sure Jesus followed every point to the Old Testament law and I'm also sure it pains him to see us try
to do the same. He did it so we wouldn't have to. He nailed that system to the cross. (Col. 2:14) I'm free, I'm free,
I'm free indeed.
If I lie today I violate the Royal law spelled out in the New Testament not the Old Testament "thou shalt
not" law, that is before God, we are not talking before man's court. This is not just semantics; this is
potentially where we spend eternity. Galatians 5:3-4.
Let us hear what the New Testament says about being under the Old Testament Law:
Matthew 11:13 law prophesied till John,
Luke 16:16 law and prophets until John then gospel of the kingdom,
Matthew 22:37 Love God with all your heart with all your soul etc-love your neighbor-these two ARE the whole law and
John 1:17 law through Moses Grace and truth through Jesus,
John 7:23 circumcision a must to keep the law,
Acts 13:39 not justified by law,
Acts 15:5-20 observe law? Saved through faith,
Acts 18:13 these men want us to worship contrary to the law,
Acts 21:21 you teach to forsake Moses,
Romans 3:19 want the law says it says to those who are under the law, Romans 3:21 apart from the law is righteousness
Romans 3:27 the law of faith,
Romans 3:28 saved by faith apart from the law,
Romans 4:1-16 faith not law,
Romans 6:14 we are not under the law but under Grace,
Romans 7:4 we are dead to the law,
Romans 7:6 we are released from the law,
Romans 8:3-4 the law is fulfilled,
Romans 10:4 Christ is the end of the law,
Romans 13:8, 10 love fulfills the law,
1st Corinthians 9:20 not being under the law,
Galatians 2:16 we are not justified by the law,
Galatians 2:21 if righteousness is through the law Christ died in vain, Galatians 3:2 does the spirit comes by the law
or faith,
Galatians 3:5 are miracles by law?,
Galatians 3:10 if you're under the law your under a curse,
Galatians 3:11 were not justified by law,
Galatians 3:13 we are redeemed from a curse,
Galatians 3:17-29 not by law but by faith we are linked to Abraham's blessings,
Galatians 5:3-4 we are severed from Christ if we keep the law,
Galatians 5:14 law fulfilled by love,
Galatians 5:18 we are led by the spirit thus not under the law,
Galatians 6:2 law of Christ,
Philippines 3:9 we are made right by faith not by law,
1st Timothy 1:9 law is not for righteous,
Hebrew 7:12 priesthood has changed and is necessary to change the law,
Hebrew 7:28 after the law comes the son,
Hebrew 8:6 we're under a better covenant,
Hebrew's 8:7 after the first; there is the second,
Hebrew's 8:13 the 1st has become obsolete and is ready to disappear,
Hebrews 9-10 describes the first being the law and the second being faith
Practical benefits to the church are that if every Christian tithed the church would have all the money needed to
carry out the great commission. At least human reason would indicate so. Is it possible that 10 %, instead of being an
answer to the church's money needs, could become a limit for many? How many times has a 10 % law cut off giving? If
you're told to follow an outside law then you tend not to hear the inward witness. How many people could give 20, 30, 40
% of their income but religion has made it hard for them to hear that. "Hearing of faith" (Gal.3:2) 2
Corinthians 13:5 "test yourself to see if you're in faith."
Did tithing become part of the new covenant?
If so God decided to hide it from Paul and the other New Testament writer's. No matter how hard you try, you have to
use Old Testament covenant to teach it. Some say tithing was before the law, part of the law and in force now also.
Where is the New Testament Scripture for this? Circumcision was before the law (Genesis 17:24), part of the law, but is
it in effect now? Some of the New Testament apostles tried to maintain it (Acts 15:5-11; Galatians 2:11) but Paul would
have none of it. Hebrews talks about Abraham giving a tithe to Melchizedek but the same passage says there was a change
in the law Hebrews 7:12. Hebrews 8:13 and 9:1 talks about the "first covenant with regulations (tithing is a
regulation of the law) made obsolete (tithing was made obsolete)." Hebrews 10:9 "takes away first (tithing was
part of the first) to establish second (tithing is not part of the second)" Hebrews 10:16 "writes law on heart
and mind (God never wrote tithing on my heart or mind)"
The Melchizedek argument
Some have said that Melchizedek was Christ. So if Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe then Jesus should receive tithes
today. This is an interesting theory with no scriptural basis. The problem with this premise is that Jesus was not a man
back then thus not Melchizedek and Jesus' ministry as a high priest, after the order of Melchizedek, is a heavenly one
not an earthly one.
Melchizedek was a priest who blessed two systems in Abraham. The law (he took a tithe) and grace (communion bread and
wine, Genesis 14:18). Jesus is now a priest of two systems: the church (Gentile centered, now) and the temple system
(Jewish centered, after the rapture) in the New Jerusalem Rev. 21:9-27.
Was Jesus Melchizedek?
In Genesis 14:17-23 we have the first appearance of Melchizedek.
"And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the
kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth
bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most
high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy
hand. And he gave him tithes of all. And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to
thyself. And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor
of heaven and earth, That I will not take from a thread even to a shoe latchet, and that I will not take any thing that
is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:"
It says that he is a king, and priest of God. In verses 18- 20 it says that Abraham "gave him a 10th of
all" (type and shadow of tithing) and received "bread and wine" (type and shadow of communion).
Melchizedek recognized and blessed both the law and promise (grace) represented in Abraham.
Psalms 110 is the next reference to Melchizedek.
"The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall
send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the
day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. The LORD
hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. The Lord at thy right hand
shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the
dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries. He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he
lift up the head."
This is recognized prophecy of God the Father telling Jesus that he would be a priest forever after the order of
Melchizedek. The context of this Psalm is stated in verse 1. "The Lord says to my Lord: sit at my right hand, until
I make thine enemies for thy footstool". This proclamation was after the cross. This particular Psalms seems to
imply that this priesthood was conferred after the cross.
It seems the more defining scriptures are found in Hebrews. In Hebrews 5:1 states "every high priest is taken
from among men". When did God become a man? Verse 1 implies two beings of like status and one ultimate being. Only
in Jesus' humanity did this reality take place. God had not become man in Abraham's day. Verse 2 states "a priest
himself is beset with weakness". When was this true of the second person of the Trinity? After he was born of Mary.
Hebrews 5:7 states "in the days of his flesh" is when verse 10 became a reality " Called of God an
high priest after the order of Melchisedek". God designated him a high priest when he was a man "in the
flesh". Jesus was not in the flesh during Abraham's time.
Hebrews 7:1-28 definitely looks at the similarities between Melchizedek and Christ, both were priests of duel
systems. But there are also definite dissimilarities. Hebrews 7:3 Melchizedek was "without Father and without
mother". Some have interpreted this as symbolic indicating Melchizedek was a natural man but had no recorded Father
or mother, his "recorded history" or lack of one was a reflection of the God/Man (God who became Man) who
would hold his priesthood someday, forever. But if you take this literal then what do you do with Mary? We definitely
don't have a genealogy on Melchizedek (But he whose descent is not counted from them) but we have an extensive one on
Jesus (Matt. 1:1-17). Having neither beginning of days nor end of life. Jesus has a birthday and a day he died. The
second person of the Trinity has no beginning or end but priest are taken from among men ("And the Word was made
flesh", John 1:14) not God. Any reference to a mediator between God and man is always someone with an earth suit
on. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" Melchizedek was like Christ,
"But made like the Son of God", Heb. 7:3. Melchizedek's life was a hint of the incarnation to come.
Hebrews 7:4 states that Melchizedek was a man.
Hebrews 7:6 states that Melchizedek's genealogy was not traced from Abraham. (6But he whose descent is not counted
from them) There is a direct genealogy from Abraham to Jesus (Matt. 1:1-17).
Hebrews 7:15 talks about another priest arising according to the likeness of Melchizedek. What does "after the
order" imply? Doesn't another imply different? Likeness (similarity) and same (identical)? John the Baptist was a
type and shadow of Elijah but not Elijah.
Hebrews 7:22 talks about "Jesus has become". Jesus either always was or Jesus "has become" a
priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Even though there are interesting parallels between Melchizedek and Jesus I think the scriptures' clearly state they
are separate people. If we look at Hebrews 8:4 it appears to imply that Jesus' priesthood is in his present heavenly
position at the right hand of God and "if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all". His priesthood
seems to be related to his heavenly ministry in the true temple unlike Melchizedek in Genesis. Which agrees with Psalms
110 "Sit thou at my right hand"
One could say Benny Hinn has a ministry like Kathryn Kuhlman or Benny Hinn is after the order of Kathryn Kuhlman but
you can't say Benny Hinn is Kathryn Kuhlman or that Kathryn Kuhlman is Benny Hinn.
What did Jesus say about tithing?
Luke 11:42
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you
neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone."
Matt 23:23-24
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices-mint, dill and
cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law-justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have
practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a
Matthew 5:17-20
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to
fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a
pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of
these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever
practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your
righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of
I think it's interesting to note that in verse 17 he uses the phrase "law or the Prophets" and in verse 18
he just uses "law". To understand this verse it's important to understand the context in which it was spoken.
So let's look at the history of man. From Adam to Abraham/Moses there is 2000 years. From Moses to John the
Baptist/Jesus there is 2000 years. From Jesus/death, burial, Resurrection to present there is 2000 years. These three
periods are all significant, separate dealings that God has had with mankind. The period between Abraham and Moses was a
transitional period (430yrs.) into the time of the Law and the Prophets. Abraham was an interesting individual whose
life spoke to both the Jews under the law and Christians under Grace. For Abraham's life had the concept of
righteousness through faith and the concept of the law (tithing and circumcision).
The law was given to the Jews. It was a Jewish system. Luke 16:16 (the law and the Prophets were until John). The
Bible says this system was up until John. So what came after John? Another transition period. From John till the death,
burial and Resurrection of Jesus. Galatians 4:4-5 says "Jesus was born under the law". Jesus was a
transitional figure, for he taught Old Testament law (Matthew 5:17-20, Luke 11:42, Matthew 23:23-24) and the Royal law
of the New Testament (Matthew 22:37; Romans 13:9 for this, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not kill, thou
shall not steal, thou shall not bear false witness, thou shall not covet, and if there be any other commandment, it is
briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, thou shall love my neighbor as thyself).
But after Jesus' Resurrection, when he fulfilled the demands of justice with his blood, we entered a new system, a
new covenant, a new priesthood (the tithe was for the Levitical priesthood), with a change in the law. John 1:17
"the law was through Moses but Grace and truth came through Jesus" the Moses system was the Old Testament law
(tithing, dietary laws, etc) the new system through Jesus' sacrifice is summed up in Romans 6:14 "we're not under
the law that under Grace".
I don't know how more clearly this can be stated. The facts are we are "scabs" (Gentiles), the union
workers (Jews) have gone on strike. Management has brought us in as scab workers. We don't have to join the union (old
covenant system). We don't have to go to those stinky (blood of animal sacrifices) smoke filled (the burning of incense)
union halls (Temple worship). We don't have to pay the union dues (tithe). The management loves us and treats us as
family. There are rumors that were being used to irritate the strikers to cause them to come back to work (Deuteronomy
32:21). If they do we could be yanked out of here in a heartbeat (in a twinkling of an eye 1 Cor. 15:51-53).
But we still get to take advantage of the great retirement benefits.
Now back to verse 18, when Jesus paid the price on the Cross-he accomplished, fulfilled the law (Moses) and some of
the prophecies (Elijah). I think the reason that verse 18 doesn't include "the Prophets" is that some
prophecies will not be completely fulfilled until his second coming (Elijah comes first). It's like the Jews not
understanding his first coming when they thought he would overthrow the Romans and set up his kingdom now. They didn't
see the gap between the suffering servant (Isaiah 53) and the ruling King (Revelation 21:15-16). And there's a gap
between the fulfilling of the law (Moses) and the fulfilling of the Prophets (Elijah). I hope I've included enough
verses to prove that the law was fulfilled.
There's no question that the Jews understood that the apostles were teaching something new and contrary to law
keeping. Acts 18:13 "these man want us to worship contrary to the law" Acts 21:21 "you teach us to
forsake Moses". Christ was born under the law but was also the "end of the law" Romans 10:4.
What is the law, where is it found in the Old Testament? Some say the first five books of the Old Testament but this
is just an arbitrary division. Jesus makes a quote and says, "it is written in the law" in John 15:25, he is
quoting Psalms 35:19, 69:4. In I Corinthians 14:21 they quote from the law and reference Isaiah 28:11. I
think God would call everything from Moses to John the Baptist "the Law and Prophets". The "Law (Moses)
and Prophets (Elijah)" is used as a catchall term for what has passed away under the new covenant.
True there are prophecies not yet fulfilled (Elijah's work is not completed, Moses' is) because there is a break in
the system of God working strictly with the Jews. Prophecy indicates after his second coming he will again primarily
work through the Jews (Zechariah 2:12, 8:23). When Jesus said if you destroy this Temple (center of the old covenant
system) I would raise it up in three days, he was speaking in the law of double reference. He was not only speaking
about his body, which was raised early on the third day (24 hour days), but he was also speaking of the physical Temple
(Jewish system) that will be raised early on the third day ("one day is as a 1000 years"). Jesus and the
Temple (Matthew 27:51) died the same day. Both gave up their ghost. When the Temple is resurrected so will God's
working with the Jews. Now is the time of the Gentiles. The Gentiles are not under the law. The law was given to the
Jews not the Gentiles.
The facts are Abraham did not practice the law of tithing, his giving that 10% was a type and shadow of tithing just
like John the Baptist was a type and shadow of Elijah. There is no Scripture he practiced regular tithing. There was no
law (Moses or Levitical priesthood) at that time. There is no scripture that Melchizedek ever came for a tithe again.
There is no law (Moses) at this time, period.
Are we only right with God if we follow the law of tithing today?
Is our right standing connected with the law? If we are commanded to tithe today than we're not right with God's
command if we don't Galatians 2:21 "for if righteousness comes through the law Christ died needlessly" our
right standing comes from hearing with faith Galatians 3:2.
The law was a tutor. It taught us to give 10 %. Galatians 3:25 " now that faith has come we no longer need a
tutor " those who are under the law are a slave to the law. Galatians 4:7 "we are no longer a slave"
Romans 9:31-32 "pursue by faith not works".
The law of tithing imposes a financial debt (Amos 5:11), if we don't pay that debt were in trouble. The law demands
certain actions to stay right with the lawgiver. This would change the nature of our righteousness in the new covenant,
Amos 5:7 "fruit of righteousness to wormwood", "as many as are under the law are under a curse"
Galatians 3:10.
Let Abraham speak to this: Abraham's life speaks to the issue of the law. Abraham had two sons, Ishmael (law) and
Isaac (promise). Gal. 4:21-31, 5:1-10. The son that Abraham had through Hagar was based on the flesh, the law and
customs of the time. The son that Abraham had through Sarah, Isaac, was the son of promise. One-day the Holy Spirit
(Sarah) told Abraham to get rid of Hagar (Old Covenant) and Ishmael (tithing, etc.). Then God the Father told Abraham to
forever put Ishmael outside the camp. Can you imagine the pain Abraham went through. I can just hear him reason with
God. But can't he visit us once a week (Saturday Sabbath)?, but God says no. But can't I flow him some money (tithing)?,
no. Can I at least have a meal (dietary laws) with him occasionally?, no. But he will be all alone in the desert can't I
defend him (stoning)?, no. Can't he come home for the holidays (holy days)?, no. But God can't I------- no, no, no.
The law (Ishmael, tithing) must be kept outside the camp (Church). Grace (Jews) might try to accommodate the law
(Arabs) but the law (Arabs) will destroy grace (the Jews). Ishmael hates Isaac. Isaac (promise, grace) might allow
Ishmael (law) to live in the camp but if he does Ishmael (law, Arabs) will kill him (grace, Jews). It's true now, it was
true then, it will always be true.
No matter what our emotional attachment is with the law we must put it outside the Church, send it into the desert
(civil law). As a pastor we might see the benefit of tithing to help the budget of the Church. As a surgeon we might see
the benefits of circumcision, it would bring in a lot of business. As a kosher food distributor we might see the
benefits in the dietary laws, we would have a corner on the market. We must put our emotional attachments aside and obey
God. Put Ishmael (tithing, etc.) and Hagar (Old Covenant) outside the camp, forever. No compromise, for no reason.
The principle of giving in the New Testament
1. What is the New Testament equivalent to tithing? It seems to me that Galatians 6:6 is the closest equivalents to
tithing (the tithe was for the Levitical priesthood). We're taught to give to those who teach us the word, Galatians 6:6
"if taught the word then share in all good things" and 1 Tim. 5:18 "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt
not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The laborer is worthy of his reward." Based on the belief that
the old covenant holds types and shadows for us today I believe this will answer a believer's questions about what do we
replace the tithe with. How much? Are you getting fresh bread (words of life) or moldy bread (men's ideas)? Listen to
your heart on giving. Support where your feed!!! Fulfill the storehouse principle.
2. We're taught the principles of sowing and reaping, Galatians 6:7, 2 Corinthians 9:6-sowings and reaping-a seed you
sow not a debt you owe.
Support where your feed!!! Also plant into good soil, you will reap from the blessing in the soil. Sow into GLORY reap
3. We're taught to listen to our hearts as far as giving is concerned, 2 Corinthians 8:2-3 is New Testament
giving----from the heart not from the dictates of the/a Law.
The nature of a law is obedience by compulsion for the law has penalty, 2 Corinthians 9:7 "purposed in his
heart"-"not grudgingly"-"not under compulsion" This is probably the foundational verse for new
testament giving.
4. The practice of our giving, coming from the heart, would cause us to be moved by compassion, Ephesians 4:28
"give to who has need"
Paul had ample opportunity to bring up the "principle" or Law of tithing when he had needs both personally
and for the church at Jerusalem, 2 Corinthians 11:9. Why didn't Paul teach them to tithe? In 2 Corinthians 11:8 Paul
talks about "wages" (1 Tim. 5:18) he also talks about gifts but never about receiving tithes.
The principle (law) of giving in the New Testament comes from the heart not from the dictates of the law, 2
Corinthians 8:10 "giving comes by desire", 2 Corinthians 9:7 "purposed in his heart"-"not
grudgingly"-"not under compulsion" The church leaders must trust in the people hearing from God
themselves 2 Corinthians 8:16 "God puts it in the heart ". Man's way has always been not to trust the people
but to lay down the Law. Some can't join a local church without promising to follow the external dictates of the Old
Testament law instead of following after the law written in their hearts. This is very close to charging for the word, 2
Corinthians 11:7 "preach without charge".
If I pay my 10 % I have something to boast about, yet in the body of Christ it is "by Grace and faith not by
works of the law" "Not of works, lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9.
The body of Christ should not be tied to religious leaders who play it safe with man controlled comfort meetings,
because the church is a breathing organism not a formal institution.
Sermon notes 9:00AM April 21, 2002
As an organism I do not need to read a physiology book on digestion before I eat. The laws of digestion are written
inside. I just chew, swallow and everything else comes naturally. As a formal institution we need laws, we need to learn
traditions, forms, rituals etc. in order to function. Following the Old Testament law (tithing) is more consistent with
a formal institution. Giving from the heart (not the head) is more consistent with a breathing organism.
It might be a comfort to man to teach the minimum amount that each Christian should give but tithing is a tax on our
freedom in Christ, we should all join the tax revolt and be free, not free from giving but free in giving. God wants to
inspire "miraculous giving". Even in the government's economy when taxes are reduced there is an economic boon
and the government ends up getting more money.
Is it possible that if a church gives up this remnant of the law and teaches its people to give from the heart that
the church's economy would increase? 2 Corinthians 8:2 "in their poverty---overflowed in liberality" 2
Corinthians 8:5 "they gave themselves to the Lord and then to us" these were poor people yet they gave a
large offering, "miraculous giving".
The facts are you can't rub any two New Testament Scripture's together and get even a spark of tithing as a New
Testament doctrine. 2 Corinthians 13:1 "confirmed by two or three witnesses"
Romans 8:2 we are either free from the law or we are not-you can't be a little pregnant; Galatians 5:9 a little
leaven will leaven the whole loaf.
Let's look at this another way.
Ten years ago you and your spouse purchased a home in an exclusive neighborhood that had a clubhouse and pool. Part
of the contract you signed for the purchase of the home included fees each month for the upkeep of the clubhouse and
pool. Now you a get new job 2000 miles away. You sell the home and move to the new city and buy a new home. Three months
into the new contract you receive a letter from the old property asking for the fees for the clubhouse and pool. What do
you do? Of course you tell them that that contract has been satisfied and you are not under any obligation to make these
payments. But if you were extremely naive about contract law and realizing that you did sign a contract to pay those
fees, you send in payments faithfully, what is your benefit?
Let's say three years later you're back in the former state visiting family and you decide to go swimming on a hot
August afternoon. As you drive up to the exclusive communities' swimming pool you're asked for your ID and you're
informed that this pools is only for residents. It doesn't matter that you been sending in payments for three years, you
don't live there and the rules concerning pool use are for residents only. Those payments were totally wasted, they were
based on a contract that was fulfilled, null and void. You're only responsible for the new contract that is in force.
There might be provisions in both contracts that are similar. Like the Old and New Testaments. And if you are
interested in contract law and had a copy of your first contract you could study it for information. You might find
provisions in both contracts that are similar yet the only provisions that you'd be responsible for, in front of a
judge, are only those spelled out in the new contract. If the new contract does not have clubhouse fees then you don't
pay them. Any dictates from the old contract you try to fulfill will not help you under the new contract. If you're in
default on the new contract and you bring up the fact to the judge that you're paying fees from the old contract he will
think you're crazy. He will also inform you that that has nothing to do with this case. If you're in front of a judge
because you are in default, the only facts important in this case are the provisions from the new contract. Any payments
that go to the old contract are completely irrelevant. Its money down the drain. Jesus paid the price on the old
contract 2000 years ago.
Let me summarize: the Old Testament Temple worship with its rules and regulations (tithing etc) is dead. The Temple
died and gave up the ghost 2000 years ago (Matthew 27:51, Rom. 7:2). You can't beat a dead horse--. We have now moved
2000 years away from the old Temple system, why should we still pay the clubhouse fees? (Rom. 7:6) What about animal
sacrifice, circumcision etc.? How much of the old system are you going to bring across to the new system? Did Christ die
in vain? Was his sacrifice not enough to take care of the old contract with its rules and regulations? (Eph. 2:15,
Money paid in tithes today could be cursed.
Let's look at a Christian couple that has been giving to the church for several years. Over the years they have been
able to increase their giving up to 20 percent of their income. (Personally I believe we should be doing better than the
old covenant.) The first 10 percent they give as a tithe, based on the Old Testament covenant (Leviticus 27:30), the
next 10 percent they give out of love (Rom. 13:8). Look at it this way, they have divided their seed up and laid half of
it on the stony tablets of the law (Rom.14:23) and planted the other half in the fertile ground of faith and love. The
second 10 percent has the potential for harvest. The first 10 percent lays on the stony tablets of the law (Gal.3:12)
exposed to being devoured by the birds of the air (religious spirits). Maybe some of it, because of mercy and grace,
might be blown off to the surrounding soil and find root, but most of it will be exposed to the birds of the air.
The word tithe might have never come out of the lips of Paul in the New Testament unless, as many believe, he wrote
Hebrews, if he did, there are only four verses concerning tithing and they are in reference to past history not present
doctrine. And in the context of the old being done away with.
There are 39 different Scripture's concerning tithing in the Old and New Testament. Only 7 of those scriptures are in
the New Testament and none of those teach the doctrine for New Covenant believers. Seven is the number for completion.
Christ completed the old and Christ's 39 stripes paid that debt.
With the principle of the widow's mite, a New Testament believer who is in severe financial straits and gives only
3.76 % of his income, is he blessed or cursed? If he gives with a cheerful heart, in faith, he is blessed not cursed.
Under the law of tithing giving 3.76 % would put us under a curse, 9 % we would still be under the curse, 9.9999 % we
would still be under the curse, 10 % then God would love us again. This is Law not Grace. Threatening the body of Christ
with the curse of the law is an affront to the sacrifice of Christ, for he became a curse for us. The real curse is on
those who preach another gospel for Paul never, ever taught tithing; neither did any of the other New Testament writers.
So if somebody does today, they are teaching something contrary, Galatians 1:6-8 "let him be accursed"
"contrary to which we preach"
It seems after 2000 years the church is afraid to completely release the Old Testament Law, "we do not yet see
all things subject to him" Hebrews 2:8.
What is it about "For freedom he has set us free" that we don't understand? Romans 4:15 "where no law
there is no violation."
Giving for "Dummies"
Unfortunately some will read this article and see it as an excuse not to give or to reduce their giving. I would ask
that you reread this article with your heart not your head. It takes a little bit of head knowledge to calculate your
tithe and it takes a little bit of head calculations to figure out how not to give. Both are cut from the same cloth
(head not heart). James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead
also". If this is your mindset then you might as well tithe because you're in bondage both ways. Why not go ahead
and put your seed on the stony tablets of the law, it will produce more than sticking it in a bag with holes. Haggai 1:
6 "Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with
drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with
holes." Because if you're not a giver then you have separated yourself from God's blessing.
More than one pastor who has read the rough draft of this paper expressed their concerns that few in the church even
give 10 percent, most less than 5%. Shame on the church. What is it about giving that we don't get? What is it about God
that we don't understand? For God so loved the world that he gave…... John 3:16 "16For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".
Be imitators (followers) of God as dear children. Eph. 5:1-2: "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a
sweet-smelling savor." Give and it shall be given to you. Luke 6:38 "Give, and it shall be given unto you;
good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same
measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again". It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts
20:35 "I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words
of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."
One day I got an impression of God handing me his wallet. But the catch was he wanted my wallet. Personally, I
thought that was a good exchange. But I found some strange things about God's wallet. He had foreign currency. You had
to go to the bank (enter HIS financial system) and stand in line (faith and patience, James 1:3) and exchange it for
U.S. currency. Another interesting thing is that if you reached in and grabbed everything out of the wallet and then
looked back in, the wallet was still full. 1 Kings 17:10-16 "So he arose and went to Warpath. And when he came to
the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I
pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said,
Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand. And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but
an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in
and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast
said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son. For thus
saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day
that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth. And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and
her house, did eat many days. And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the
word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah." But there was a downside, if I didn't give where God told me to give
(if my wallet was stuck shut) then I had a problem opening God's wallet.
Why do you think the Bible is full of promises concerning giving? Was God trying to take up space or spice things up?
Does the farmer expect to get more than he planted? When he plants one seed does he expect one seed back? Did God make
natural principles to explain the spiritual? Does he expect us to understand the natural and then use that knowledge in
the spiritual realm?
Let me make this simple. We are at the end times. God is getting ready for a massive revival. That's going to take
big bucks. Who do think he wants to fund this revival through? What does that mean about your banking account? Would you
like to have God's wallet? Then you have to have God's heart. The word "give" in one form or another is found
over 1276 times in the bible. Any questions?
Rev. 3:15 "I know thy works."
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