Ichabod: Has The Glory Departed?
Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
Greetings in the most precious and wonderful Name of our Lord from the
beautiful land 'Down Under.'
I know at this time of the year people expect to see a Christmas message of
some sort, but I can only share with you that which the Holy Spirit has put upon
my spirit. My heart has been tremendously burdened and grieved of late
concerning this message and what I see taking place in the name of Jesus in the
church. There is a strange and unholy fire sweeping across the nations and being
made manifest in our Father's house.
The Word of the Lord has much to say about those who shepherd the 'flock' and
their responsibility to see that they are fed the proper food at the proper
time. The Holy Spirit has clearly revealed to all that we are living in the last
days. What then is the proper food for this time; for the Spirit and the Word
always agree with one another? The Word of God warns us that in these days many
will abandon the true faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of
demons (1 Timothy 4:1.) Time and space do not permit me to share with you in one
article all of the false and demonic doctrines that have pervaded the church of
today but I can assure you they are numerous; with the infection spreading like
a cancer, more and more consuming and even shipwrecking the faith of all too
I will, however, share a few of them with you, just to give you some idea of
the heresy and nonsense being preached and, unfortunately, believed. These
things should cause each and every true saint of God to cry out with a broken
heart before the throne of the Living and Almighty God. The first and probably
most damaging of these false and demonic doctrines I will mention comes out of
the 'Word of Faith' movement and is known as the Doctrine of Divine Prosperity
or, in some circles, the 'name it and claim it' doctrine. The basic premise of
this doctrine is that if you want it, you only have to claim it and it will be
yours. (This description is very basic for there is much more to it, none of it
being genuinely scriptural, rather it involves the scriptures being twisted and
turned and taken out of context in every way possible.) Then there is a movement
which has been started and which involves the adults of the church coming to
services wearing diapers in which they defecate and urinate.
The scripture they base this disgusting doctrine on is out of Matthew 18:2-4
in which Jesus admonishes the disciples to 'become like little children' in
reference to humility. Again here is a case where the Word of God has been
grossly misused and taken out of context. There are churches where public nudity
and 'free' love are openly encouraged and practiced, but I can assure you there
is nothing free about this kind of love. In fact the price tag on this one is
quite high; an eternity in Hell.
The other night Kathy and I were watching a documentary on an occult service
being held by a particular sect in Africa, complete with a time of worship
giving homage to the particular demons they held in reverence as gods. Had they
not mentioned that this was going on in Africa, I would have been convinced it
was being broadcast out of the United States, for the manifestation of the
spirits and the method by which the witch doctors worshipped these evil spirits
are the exact same things we have seen coming out of Pensacola, Florida and
Brownsville, Texas, right down to the outbursts of supposed 'holy laughter' and
frantic dancing and leaping about; for they have made a covenant with the Evil
one. The witch doctors holding the service strove to bring forth a fear of their
authority upon their congregation, demanding that an offering be made to them to
appease the 'head spirit.' The worship service, the leaping about and other
manifestations were exactly the same as that which you might see coming out of
most Pentecostal churches today. The witch doctors were evil; controlling and
manipulative, filled with all manner of deception and lust, wanting everything
for themselves and bringing a curse upon all those who would not join in with
You have only to listen to the words of people like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Marilyn Hickey, Paul and Jan Crouch, and those who are the leaders of
the Pensacola, Brownsville, and Toronto movement to hear the same manipulative
persuasion, which is tantamount to threats. For do they not state time after
time that "God will bring a curse" upon all those who dare to come against them
or attempt to expose their false doctrines and their sinful way of living?
Each day the number of greedy, ungodly men and women behind the pulpits of
the church that bears the name of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
(Christianity) seems to grow. At a meeting held recently involving Kenneth
Copeland and a few of his cronies, one of the leaders got up and stated the
following, "The Word says that unto him that has even more will be given, but he
who does not have, even the little he has will be taken away." (This is a loose
translation of Matthew 13:12.) Again scripture has been horribly mangled for his
or her own purposes, for he then stated that "you should go and find the most
prosperous pastor you can and follow him, giving him all your money." As he is
saying this the people who were at the meeting were tripping over each other to
get to him to stuff money into his pockets. He then proceeded to tell the
congregation how he owns an 8000 square foot house but is planning on moving
into a bigger and better one. He went on to say he had just purchased a dog for
$15,000.00 and then showed them a ring he had purchased on a recent trip to
Jamaica for some $32,000.00. He wraps all this up by stating that "when people
drive by my newly built mansion and see my new Rolls Royce in the driveway they
will definitely know there is a God in Heaven." With that the congregation went
into a frenzy of applause while running up to stuff more money into his pockets
until they were literally bulging with bills.
Is this really the gospel message that Jesus would have us bring to the poor
and destitute in Mexico, Africa, Thailand, or a thousand other such places,
(some maybe not so very far from where you live,) who are without hope and
without Christ? Will this doctrine and this type of showmanship preaching feed
the hungry, clothe the naked or comfort those who are sick or in prison? Do we
tell them not to feel too bad when the hunger pangs start or when they watch
their children die for lack of $25.00 worth of medical care, because some fat
cat preacher in the United States has $15,000 to spend on a dog and if they
would just 'believe and receive' they too could have all this?
Personally I hope these 'prosperity propagators' enjoy their time here on
earth for all too soon (for them), everything will all come crashing down around
them and they shall stand before the Living and Almighty God at the Judgment
seat and give account for 'using Godliness as a means to financial gain,' (1
Timothy 6:3-5,especially vs. 5.) As they stand before Him unto whom they must
give account, they will find out just how much their mansions, dogs, and rings
are worth before God, and they will be without excuse. For they shall then hear
those words that shall ring in their ears for all eternity, "Away from Me, I
never knew you," you workers of iniquity and evildoers for My temple should have
been a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.
I would put this question to you: what difference is there between these
people and the ones whose tables Jesus overturned in the temple area? And unto
those of you who could not wait to stuff more and more money into their ungodly
schemes for fleecing the sheep (of whom you are supposed to be part of,) what of
you? Do you think you will escape the wrath of God? What will you say when you
look into those eyes of fire and Truth and Jesus says unto you, "did I not
command you to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness and
unrighteousness? Did I not warn you about false doctrines, to stay away from
them and guard your life and doctrine closely? Did I not warn you to hold to
sound doctrine? Not only did you not expose these workers of iniquity but also
you joined with them in their evil schemes, while My sheep were torn apart and
scattered. You sat and said nothing as the shepherds took from the flock just to
feed themselves?" Do you think you will escape those awful words "Away from Me,
I never knew you?" Think again. Better yet, do a good Bible study on the subject
and see if there is any real Truth still able to penetrate your greedy and
idolatrous hearts. You are without excuse for again and again in His Word, the
Lord warns us against these workers of iniquity and against those who look only
to their own personal gain, and commands you to have nothing to do with them.
As for the shepherds, you shall be the fulfillment of Ezekiel 34, for you
have persecuted the righteous with false accusations and lies, with malicious
rumors and acts of treachery against them. You have robbed widows and orphans
while maintaining your ostentatious lifestyles. You control and manipulate your
flock by fear and witchcraft for you have allowed women to usurp the authority
of the men and stand in flagrant rebellion to the Word of God. You have brought
people in and made them twice as much the sons of hell as yourselves. Do you
really think you will escape God's vengeance?
I am grieved that God cannot find many who will stand in the gap, for even as
John the Baptist stood on the hillside and condemned Herod for his evil deeds,
should not the true men and women of God be grieved and outraged to the very
depths of their souls? Should they not stand as did John the Baptist, the
Apostles, and Jesus Himself and expose these people? Should they not stand
against those shepherds who can no longer remember (if they ever knew to begin
with,) that Jesus Christ is our example and we are to follow Him only? Truly the
hour has come to stand and proclaim in a loud and clear voice; Ichabod, Ichabod;
for surely the Glory of the Lord has departed from the church of today.
I have some difficulty understanding who is the more treacherous and evil;
those who preach these false and demonic doctrines, or those who listen to them
and fill their coffers with more and more money. Brothers and sisters, I urge
all of you to check your TV listings for this month. CNN has an upcoming special
of which they, in their own words have said, "Even the critics of Benny Hinn
will be amazed at what we have uncovered." One of Benny Hinn's top officials has
been busted for heroin already and this is just one of the charges they have
against Hinn. Some have to do with the procurement and distribution of heroin
and there will be much more which will make his wife's shoplifting charges seem
like a day in the park. I would not be surprised if he spent the next 20 years
(should the Lord tarry) in a Federal Penitentiary. He has been thrown out of
more countries than I have been in.
Please, for those of you who are already gasping and saying, "you can't say
these things about a brother in the Lord," let me just say this: In the first
place, I find nothing in his life that meets the scriptural definition of a
'brother' but because he claims to be one, does not the scripture tell us that
we are to judge those inside the church? And the same goes for anyone else I
have mentioned in this article. Next, for all of you who are even now accusing
me of not having any 'love'; if you accuse me you must also accuse Jesus and the
Apostles. Now, to those of you who are sitting in judgment of me for making
accusations against the 'anointed' of God, let me say this; rather than waste
your time making accusations against me or sending me nasty e-mail, open your
Bible and do a study on just who the 'anointed' of God are. Anointed refers to
just two things; the Body of Christ, the true church, the Bride, and the
Anointed One, who is no other save Jesus Christ alone. There are those upon whom
God will pour forth an anointing as they preach HIS Word, for it is the
anointing that breaks the yoke, but there is no one person that is the Anointed
One. That title is reserved for Christ and Him only.
There are none so blind as those who will not see, nor are there as many
village idiots as there are those who call themselves 'Christians' and follow
the doctrines of demons. For even as the media continues to catch and expose
these 'so-called' anointed evangelists before the entire world, there are
millions who still follow them like lambs to the slaughter, supporting their
lavish lifestyles and never seeming to understand that THEY are the sheep that
are being fleeced. How many of you who financially support these people are
living the same kind of lifestyles?
One of those who had been caught and exposed was Peter Popoff. He was caught
with a listening device in his ear while his wife fed him previously gathered
information about people so it would appear that Popoff was actually hearing
from God. He was exposed on the Johnny Carson show and the tapes were played for
the entire world to hear. One tape clearly details Popoff's wife telling him "we
got a hot one" which turned out to be some poor woman who had lumps discovered
in her breasts and was earnestly seeking prayer for this, for it could well have
been cancer. Popoff's wife and some other women in the secret transmitting booth
could be heard laughing at this woman while Popoff was telling her to do all
sorts of ridiculous things. Somehow I just don't see in scripture where Jesus
ever made fun of the calamities of others. Yet, Peter Popoff is back in
business, doing the same thing with a monthly budget of over 500 thousand
dollars. Come on people, don't you find this a grievous thing? Or has your heart
grown so cold and hard you no longer feel compassion or outrage at these things?
Even Robert Tilton, possibly the sleaziest one of the bunch, who was caught
taking the money out of all the prayer requests sent to him and throwing the
requests in the trash, unread; even this disgusting excuse for a human being is
back to his old tricks. Believe it or not he has even found a whole new group of
people to rip off; another mailing list of greedy, gullible idiots who can't
wait to pour more money into his unholy, demonic schemes. How the heart of God
must grieve.
If you are getting the impression I am angry, you're right! Scripture says,
"Be ye angry and sin not". All those who truly serve the Lord should be angry
when we see these things happening in the Name and in the House of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. He who gave His precious life for us that we may be
redeemed from a Christless eternity in Hell has now become the laughingstock of
the world thanks to the likes of Popoff, Tilton, Hinn, Copeland and the like.
There is some good news in all of this. The FCC is about to level charges
against Paul Crouch and TBN for owning more TV stations and satellites than he
has acknowledged. He has managed to evade that particular Federal law by putting
them in his wife and kid's names, etc. Nonetheless it is a Federal crime to
defraud the FCC in the USA.
And here in Australia there are far more people behind the pulpit that have
no right to be there than there are those who have truly been called by God and
do have the right to be there. For the pulpits of Australia are filled with men
and women who are involved in all manner of immorality and perversity; those who
are involved in adultery, those who have been in prison for fraud and
embezzlement, those who defraud their congregations, stealing money from their
own church for their own personal gain, those who are preaching false and
demonic doctrines, those who lord it over their congregations, manipulating and
controlling them by fear, and the list goes on and on. As I said before, if you
are a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, this should both grieve and
outrage you. But it is allowed to go on because too many have remained silent
for too long.
Jesus, being our example, as well as the Apostles, never held back when it
came to exposing these workers of iniquity and false doctrine, even to the point
of persecution, imprisonment and even death. Scripture says, "All who want to
live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Why do you think this is?
It's because to follow Christ's example we must not only offer His love and
salvation to the nations, (person by person if necessary,) but also because we
are commanded by God to expose these demonic, false, and damaging doctrines and
those who preach them. Are you doing your part to carry this burden? Yes, you
will offend people; the cross of Christ does that. Yes, you will be persecuted;
some people just cannot or will not deal with the truth, and yes, you will for
the largest part go unheard. But if just one person gets set free from this
bondage, you will have made a difference. It's long past time for true
Christians to make a stand for Jesus and for Truth. Does He not say in His
Word," If you acknowledge Me before men I will acknowledge you before My Father
in Heaven, but if you are ashamed of Me before men, I will be ashamed of you
before My Father in Heaven." Fear of man goes a long way in keeping people
silent when they should be speaking out, but if this is what is keeping you from
speaking out then you are being very effectively used by the Devil, for God does
not give us a spirit of fear.
In all honesty, most so-called 'Christians' have never fulfilled the
scriptures in this area. Most don't want to offend anyone, but by your silence
you offend Christ. Others think it might be judging, but does not scripture tell
us we are to judge those inside the church? Some want to keep one foot on either
side of the line, yet the Word of the Lord says, (speaking of Jesus,) "he who is
not for Me is against Me and he who is not gathering is scattering." Some will
say, "but I still have friends in that church." Would a friend really let
another friend sit under false doctrine and say nothing to them? If you are
attending a church where what is done and what is preached does not coincide
with the Bible, then you are in the wrong church. And it's seriously
hypocritical to attend such a church because they are having some function you
want to attend. NO, brothers and sisters, try as you might, you will find no
scriptural justification for setting foot inside the doors of any church that is
not following the Word of God. Do not be fooled, there are definite scriptural
guidelines and a wonderful gift from the Lord called discernment that will tell
you who is a true believer in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. There is a very
definite difference between being religious and being a true disciple of Christ
our Lord and Savior.
Where do you stand and what words will you hear when you stand before the
Living and Almighty God; "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into
the joy of thy Lord;" or "Away from Me, I never knew you?"
It's an eternal question; make sure you know you have the right answer.
Please feel free to contact us
with any questions about this article.