For The Sake Of Christ
2 Corinthians 12:10 - That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insult, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
"For Christ's sake" The most powerful key words in this scripture. It is for Christ's sake we are willing to endure in weaknesses, hardships, insults, persecutions and difficulties. It is for Christ's sake we endure to fight the good fight and continue to hold on to the bitter end. It is very hard for our flesh to take pleasure and joy in these hard times, yet because we love our God and want and need Him, we cast our selves down that He might be glorified. As we submit and cast all our fears, woes, hurts, frustrations and all that we are before the Lord we become more and more dependant on Him and the leading
of His Spirit. We are truly strengthened because our hearts, minds and spirits are so in tune with the Lord that we no longer care about our surroundings and circumstances.
Paul took delight in all the expressions of this scripture because he knew that it was all for Christ's sake. What greater thing could he do for his Lord and Savior? His Lord was innocent and yet He was crucified and torn from limb to limb. His Messiah was pierced, beaten and crowned with a crown of thorns. His Lord was unrecognizable when His own people were done with Him. For Christ's sake Paul was three times beaten with a rod, once stoned, three times shipwrecked, many times imprisoned and so much more. There was no greater joy than to go through all he did for Christ's sake.
For Christ's sake a little boy lifted
his hands to his Savior in praise as his fingernails were ripped out one by one. For Christ's sake Christians are being tortured, raped, starved, frozen, burnt and gutted everyday. After going through some of the most horrific times, they turn back around, praise God, and give Him glory. Not long after that they are back out on the mission field sharing the love of Jesus to all.
This should make us take a look at reality and where we are at with our walks with the Lord. Many of us are not hiding for our very lives. We are not hanging on a wall watching our children being raped and tortured before our very eyes. We don't have secret meetings for fellowship and the teachings of the scriptures. We forget so quickly how fortunate we are. We take for granted what we have. Our 2-year-old daughter
was praying one night and she said, "Thank you Jesus for my pillow, and my blanket and my teddy." A few nights later she thanked Jesus for her bottom, her eyes, her ears, her mouth and her nose. I praise God for our children because it is out of the mouths of babes that we clearly hear the Lord speaking and ministering to us. I cannot remember the last time I prayed and thanked the Lord that I have all my organs, my fingers and my senses. I forgot how fortunate and grateful I was to the Lord after hearing our daughter's prayer to the Lord.
Dear brothers and sisters be encouraged that there truly is nothing that can separate us from the love of the Lord. Next time a shut-off bill comes in, praise the Lord. Next time someone calls you a Jesus freak, praise the Lord. Next time you're hounded
with words that hurt, praise the Lord and pray for those who are being persecuted and hurt in ways you and I cannot even imagine. Pray for the wounded, the broken, the lost, the people who are doing the acts of unmerciful murder, torture and pain.
You will find that as you pray for others, your problems will no longer become the center of attention and your heart becomes more and more burdened to pray for those who are without their husbands because for Christ's sake they gave their bodies over for the Lord to be tortured unto death. You will be strengthened as you place yourself at the feet of Jesus and cast yourself down and then become dependent on Him and Him alone. You become selfless unto God as the will within you becomes less of you and more of Him.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about this article.